Saturday, March 7, 2009


Bowden and Lucy helped me make Tom Ping's boat, THE GOOSE, for his latest adventure.

Here is Captain Ping with his crew- Santa Claus, Gadget, and a Gunslinger.

That hole is the entrance to over 600 feet of pitch black terror and raging water.

The crew took shelter inside the cabin, and then it was time to shove off.
Good luck, Tom!

We waited at the other end for a long time, but Tom Ping and his crew didn't appear.

I had no choice but to mount a rescue mission and thus I set out into the pipe to rescue Captain Ping and his crew.

I sloshed nearly the entire length of the pipe before finding their vessel hopelessley hung up on a rock. I set them free and with a feeble toot on his horn our courageous adventurer led his crew back into the swriling torrent.
Much to everyone's relief they emerged safe and victorious at the other end of the pipe.
Captain Ping aboard his vessel, THE GOOSE.